Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Shows, Shows, Shows, and Summer Vacation

I know I haven't blogged for months and months but honestly, life has been crazy until now. I started school again in January, got a pet bunny, Roy finally found a job and while he doesn't get a whole lot of hours lately because his boss is dumb at least he has a job, I've performed 2 shows, and am now rehearsing another. But now that it's summer I don't have much to do during the day and all I have in the evening is Hairspray rehearsal. Now a break down of the 2 shows I did: :)

From January to March I had rehearsal for Oklahoma. I was only in the ensemble but I was in it a lot and it was a very long, exhausting show. My brother played Curly which is awesome. He was definitely perfect for it. I made a lot of friends during this show, the best one being Heather, who played Laurey to my brother's Curly. She is one of my best friends now despite the fact that she is about 10 years older than me. I became close to a lot of theatre people that I have known for a long time but never became close to them until now. The Oklahoma cast really became a family and I still miss it every day. It's very rare to feel this close to a cast and have no drama. We all cried during the final curtain call and the cast party was full of giggles and really long goodbye hugs.

During Oklahoma performances I started rehearsal for Once Upon A Mattress where I finally got a lead. I played Lady Larken and it is my favorite role I've ever played. Rehearsals were frustrating at times for many different reasons but it all came together in the end. I went out with some of the cast almost every night and it was a lot of fun. The role was demanding but so much fun. I got to sing high-soprano songs which is my favorite because high-soprano is the range I feel most comfortable in. I had some annoying moments with my on-stage partner but whatever, it was all fun anyway. I am still very upset that the show is over and it breaks my heart even more that a lot of the cast doesn't care that it's over. Oh well, I will get over it eventually.

Now I am rehearsing Hairspray and I am very excited that it opens in less than a month. I've been in love with this show for several years and it is my dream come true to be one of the "nicest kids in town". It is the most stressful and demanding shows I've been in but I love it anyway. I sing in literally every song even when I'm not on stage and the choreography is difficult. But anyway, I'm super duper excited.

I really really really want school to start though. I'm super bored with having nothing to do during the day. I love school and honestly, I really hate summer vacation because there is nothing to do!!

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