Sunday, October 27, 2013

Life Update

Hey Guys! I know I haven't posted in a little over a month. Things have been crazy..lots of decisions to make, etc. so I haven't really had the time to write anything over here. But anyway, let's catch you all up on my life.

Roy and I decided to live with my parents until we move to New York so that we don't have to pay rent and we can actually save money for New York cause well, it will be nice to have some cushion money when we are just starting out there. We will be paying for all of our own stuff, we just won't have to pay rent which will be nice. Also, this allows me to be able to go back to school and keep doing theatre. If we both had to have full time jobs, those things wouldn't have been able to happen. So all in all, it was a great decision we made. I don't care if people are judging us for living with our parents, it was a good decision for us and that's all that matters.

I got cast as Lily St. Regis in "Annie" which is really exciting. I finally get to play a part that is comedic relief, sexy, and a villain. I always get stuck playing the innocent goody-two-shoes but finally I get to do something different. This will allow me to grow as an actress which is really awesome. The more training I can get the better.

Everything's great. I have an awesome husband, a place to live. I'm in a great show and school's starting soon. And God is going to lead Roy to an awesome job soon. I can just feel it. Everything is finally heading in a positive direction :)

Friday, September 13, 2013

Being A Nerdfighter

Nerdfighter: A person who is full of awesome and wants to decrease world suck.

Let my first explain that Nerdfighters do not fight nerds.They are nerds who fight against world suck by supporting charities and just doing great things for the world. John Green (my favorite author) and his brother Hank Green started this community via their youtube channel The Vlogbrothers. It is an awesome community full of nerds and being a nerdfighter means a lot to me. I love John and Hank Green's videos soo much and I love what they are doing for the world.

I have been a nerdfigher since Aprill 2012. My best friend Lauryn suggested I read John Green's books. I first read "Looking For Alaska" (an amazing book...everyone should read it) and after I read that I saw that he was a part of a youtube channel and I had to check it out. I watched one video and realized it was something amazing. I was from then on a nerdfighter and I will be for the rest of my life.

Being a nerdfighter is big, important part of my life and I would never change that.

I'm writing a post about this today because I went to Barnes & Noble today and for the first time, left a nerdfighter note. If you don't know what is, it is writing a note about being a nerdfighter and telling someone to go check out the vlogbrother's channel and leaving it in one of John's books. It was a great experience doing that and I hope that note makes someone realize that they are made of awesome.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Summer Of Love

This summer has been a great one. I married my soul mate on July 20. We had a beautiful, nerdy wedding. I mean, it was so nerdy that the wedding party walked down the aisle to music from Lost, Roy & I's first dance was "Under Your Spell" from the Buffy musical episode, and we all danced to "Shake A Booty" by Hank Green & "Don't Unplug Me" by All Caps. I know...we are awesome.

Anyway, another great thing about this summer was that I let go of two people that I really should have let go of years ago. I had two friends who were the most toxic people you will ever meet. I did things I was not proud of just because I wanted them to like me more. They called me fat, friendless, and annoying behind my back even when I decided to become friends with them out of pure kindness on my part. They brought me down so many times and that's not what friends are supposed to do. Friends are supposed to lift you up, cheer you up when you are sad, care about your life, and be honest with you. They are not supposed to be negative all of the time and say cruel things about behind your back. Oh, and they also are not supposed to start horrible rumors about your brother...but that's a different story. Anyway, the point I'm making is that I put up with them for way longer than I should have. I give too many second chances and I trust too easily. I know that being trusting and giving second chances are good, admirable qualities...but sometimes people just don't deserve second chances..and you just have to accept that. But everything is fine because I cut them off completely and life is pretty great. I have a way higher self-esteem nowadays and have realized that by focusing on them..I was cutting myself off from a lot of people who actually genuinely care about me and that is not okay. So now I have reconnected with a lot of wonderful people and life is just dandy.

I don't know what made me want to blog about all of this because it's been months since I said bye bye to them. But I guess since summer is now was a good idea to reflect on the events of the summer. Because reflecting on the past always makes the present clearer & also makes you learn a lot.

At the end of my blog posts I am now going to say how many youtube subscribers I have and what book I am currently reading. Woot!

Subscribers: 14
Book I'm Reading: "Someday Someday, Maybe" by Lauren Graham

Monday, September 9, 2013

Deal or No Deal is way more fun to play than to watch.

So ever since I didn't get the call from PetSmart I've been pretty down in the dumps. I have been feeling like I will never get a job. But then today happened...and I have a renewed hope for life.

This morning I got a call from John's Incredible Pizza (which isn't just a pizza place..they also have a big arcade & mini-rides and what not) and they want to interview me on Friday. And then a few minutes ago I checked my e-mail & I had an e-mail from an animal rescue saying that they may want to hire me.

Life is looking pretty great right now guys.

Also, I played Deal Or No Deal with my family via my dad's computer and it was a lot of fun. My dad pretended to be Howie Mandel and we took turns. It was intense. I won because I won way more money than the rest of my family. Haha suckers! :P I wish that show was still on...because I would soo totally win lots of money.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Youtube Rocks!

Today I'm taking a day off from applying for jobs because it's been really draining & I need a day to relax. I pretty much apply for jobs all days every day sooo yeah, it's time for a break. Being an adult is definitely not as fun as I thought it would be. But you know, I know God is looking out for me and will lead Roy & I to the right job at the right time very soon. I have to trust in him so I can stop stressing so much about it.

Anyway, I really love youtube. I am subscribed to sooo many channels and love every single one I'm subscribed to. I feel like these people I'm subscribed to are my friends in a weird way because they share so much of their lives that I feel like I know them. I also love making videos. I've made about 20 or so videos on my channel so far and it has been so much fun. It is another creative outlet for me and you can never have too many of those. I encourage everyone to make youtube videos because there is something really great about sharing your life via video.

My favorite youtubers are The Vlogbrothers (John and Hank Green) and Kristina Horner. Who are your favorites? (:

Friday, September 6, 2013

I can smell season premieres in the air

So I didn't get the job at PetSmart. I'm really sad and I have been in a funk all day because of it. It was one of the jobs I've applied for that I would have actually liked. Now I'm probably going to be stuck with a job I hate.

Sorry for the pessimism today guys.

I'm just in a really bad state of mind right now.

Anyway, on to happier things.

It is September and September means that it's time for T.V to come back! :D

Here are the shows I will be watching this fall:

  • Once Upon A Time (Yay for Rumbelle!)
  • Once Upon A Time In Wonderland
  • How I Met Your Mother
  • Arrow
  • New Girl
  • Parenthood
  • Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D
  • The Crazy Ones
  • The Michael J. Fox Show
  • Awkward (Hopefully the new season starts soon)
  • Community (Even though the new season doesn't start back up until February again :( )
Tell me if any of you watch any of these shows! :)

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Pumpkin Pie In A Cup

Hank Green is really terrible at Portal 2 but great at it at the same time.

Like really.

I am watching him play it right now on youtube and he is such a brilliant person & understands the story so well...but there are some levels he plays that to me are so easy but it takes him like 30 minutes to figure out haha. And then there are levels that are super hard for me that he solves in like 2 seconds. So I guess everyone's brains just work differently.

Anyway, I went to my best friend Lauryn's house today so I could try a homemade Pumpkin Spice Latte (I had never tried a Pumpkin Spice Latte before so this was an exciting time for me). IT WAS LIKE DRINKING PUMPKIN PIE! AND I LOVE PUMPKIN PIE! 

Oh, and we also watched the first 2 episodes of Season 2 of Once Upon A Time because she had never seen season 2. I had seen season 2 already..but OUAT is one of my favorite shows ever ever so I was definitely up for watching the season again. Especially because Rumbelle (Rumplestiltskin & Belle) is my favorite couple of all time :3.

EEEK! Tomorrow is Friday and Friday is the day that PetSmart is calling me to tell me whether I got the job :O

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Employment Anticipation

Yesterday I had a job interview at PetSmart. I was really excited because I've been applying for jobs for way too long and this was finally a positive step in the direction of finally being employed. I was so nervous that I was crying and couldn't sleep the night before. It was a big deal. PetSmart is not only a job, but a job I would actually like. I have been dreading getting a call for an interview..because I applied at a lot of places that I knew I would not like working at. But PetSmart is one I was actually excited to apply for. I really want to get this job because it would make waiting for New York to happen so much easier.

So my mom, Roy, and I left for PetSmart at about 9:00 AM. The interview was at 10 but I was afraid of getting lost, which we did. The stupid directions we got were not very good at all and there were lots of trees blocking the PetSmart sign. I made it to PetSmart barely in time for the interview. Which I guess was nice because if I had to stand around waiting I would have started to think even more about how nervous I was.

Anyway, so the interview went alright. I felt sooo much pressure to answer every questions perfectly. The guy who was interviewing would just stare at me while I thought really hard about a good answer to every question. It was terrifying. But I got through it, and I think that I had a lot of great, unique answers to every question. I don't have any retail experience but I do have a lot of experience with all kinds of animals so I think that will play nicely in my favor. But who knows. They are calling me on Friday to let me know whether I got the job or not. Eeeek!

I just want it to be Friday.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Life Update

I'm sorry I haven't made a blog post in a million years but life has been crazy these past few months.

A couple months ago I decided not to go to AMDA because it is too expensive & I can better my craft by taking acting classes, dance classes, and vocal lessons in my spare time. It was not worth it to be in that much debt to go to a school I do not absolutely need to go to for my future profession.

Then Roy and I had decided to move to Los Angeles because while it was nowhere near as far as New York, it was a great place for acting. But then, oh wait, we both realize we HATE Los Angeles sooo that's not happening.

Instead we are going to move to a city about 30 minutes away from my hometown. Roy is going to finish his english degree so he can teach it. Then once Roy finds a teaching job in New York, we are moving there. This way Roy will have a way higher paying job than a minimum wage one so living in New York will seem more doable, and it will give me some time to cater to my craft a little more before taking the big leap to New York.

Anyway, after all of this decision making happened, Roy and I got married in July. It was my dream wedding. It was perfect. Then we went to Disneyland for our honeymoon and realized that while Disneyland is is also not fun because your feet hurt and it's hot and there are way too many people. We had fun but we took a lot of breaks from Disneyland during the days we were there and spent some time lounging around in our hotel room.

Then after the honeymoon, we went back to my parents house and are living there until Roy and I find jobs. Roy will be starting school in the spring and hopefully we will be out of here and on our way to New York in about 3 years.

Well, that's my update. I promise I will post on here a lot more from now on.

P.S I deleted some of my past posts (the ones about AMDA) because I didn't want to be reminded that New York just doesn't work right now.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Stage Vs. Film

Being an actor is a tough job; whether it's stage or film. But I've always thought that acting on stage was a more difficult job. In film, you get to do a scene many, many times, while on stage during a performance you have one shot to make a scene work. If you drop something, that thing is dropped and you can't undo it.

Now I'm bringing this up because today I saw a production of "Wait Until Dark" at a theater in Fresno and I'm sure it was a very difficult show for them to put together. One of the actresses had to play a blind woman, which if you are not blind, is a very hard thing to do. She had to run into pointy furniture, trip over things, touch sharp objects. She had to do dangerous things and there was never a guarantee that it wouldn't actually hurt her. With film, you have stunt doubles, cushioned objects, soft things to land on. There is way less of a chance you will get injured on film than on stage. I can attest to this because there were many times that I have been injured on stage, whether it was falling or running into things.

How many bruises have you got from being on stage?

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Community Theater

It is hard when you live in a small town to find a way to fuel your creativity once you are done with high school. You don't have the high school productions to be involved with every year and you don't have a mellow choir class to attend every day. But there is something out there for you.

Community theater is a great creative outlet. You don't have to join a union, it's easy to get cast, and the people are there to have fun. A lot of small towns have a community theater and if not, there are usually some in a nearby town. I have had a lot of fun doing community theater productions in my tiny, boring town and I recommend it to everyone.

There is not all fun and games when it comes to community theater though. I have had many difficult moments with it and I have known many other people in theater world who had the same problems. And this problem is, that everyone in community theater is cliquey.

Now when I say everyone, I don't mean everyone. But the majority of the people in it, are in a shut-off from the world, won't let anyone else in-clique. I have done many productions in community theater and I still do not feel completely welcome. Everyone knows each other and no one talks to me. I have been performing outside of high school in community theater productions since my junior year of high school and I still do not feel welcome. The shows are fun and I love being on that stage, but I feel like an outsider.

I suggest you try community theater because you will have a blast. But maybe bring a friend or two to the audition so you can have some people to interact with during rehearsals.

(I want to make a note that not every community theater in the world is like this. This is just my experience and also, the experience of some of my theater-world friends.)