Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Summer Of Love

This summer has been a great one. I married my soul mate on July 20. We had a beautiful, nerdy wedding. I mean, it was so nerdy that the wedding party walked down the aisle to music from Lost, Roy & I's first dance was "Under Your Spell" from the Buffy musical episode, and we all danced to "Shake A Booty" by Hank Green & "Don't Unplug Me" by All Caps. I know...we are awesome.

Anyway, another great thing about this summer was that I let go of two people that I really should have let go of years ago. I had two friends who were the most toxic people you will ever meet. I did things I was not proud of just because I wanted them to like me more. They called me fat, friendless, and annoying behind my back even when I decided to become friends with them out of pure kindness on my part. They brought me down so many times and that's not what friends are supposed to do. Friends are supposed to lift you up, cheer you up when you are sad, care about your life, and be honest with you. They are not supposed to be negative all of the time and say cruel things about behind your back. Oh, and they also are not supposed to start horrible rumors about your brother...but that's a different story. Anyway, the point I'm making is that I put up with them for way longer than I should have. I give too many second chances and I trust too easily. I know that being trusting and giving second chances are good, admirable qualities...but sometimes people just don't deserve second chances..and you just have to accept that. But everything is fine because I cut them off completely and life is pretty great. I have a way higher self-esteem nowadays and have realized that by focusing on them..I was cutting myself off from a lot of people who actually genuinely care about me and that is not okay. So now I have reconnected with a lot of wonderful people and life is just dandy.

I don't know what made me want to blog about all of this because it's been months since I said bye bye to them. But I guess since summer is now over..it was a good idea to reflect on the events of the summer. Because reflecting on the past always makes the present clearer & also makes you learn a lot.

At the end of my blog posts I am now going to say how many youtube subscribers I have and what book I am currently reading. Woot!

Subscribers: 14
Book I'm Reading: "Someday Someday, Maybe" by Lauren Graham

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